Singapore International Festival of Arts (SG)

Coming May we will be part of the Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA) 2021.

SIFA is an annual festival that has been showing a diverse range of theater, music, dance, film and visual arts from all over the world since 1977. This year’s program has been curated as a direct response to the here and now because the world has changed dramatically in the last year. It is a response to the care and compassion we so desperately need towards ourselves, others and our environment. It features artists who have learned to adapt and showcases work that can reach audiences around the world using a variety of technologies. With Building Conversation we conduct a series of Impossible Conversations with topics related to this:

Impossible Conversation on Care
What does it mean to care? How can we talk about giving care in these times?

Impossible Conversation on Risk
Have you ever felt there was a moment when you failed to take a risk? Or maybe you risked too much?

Impossible Conversation on Obedience
Have you ever had an experience in which you obeyed but wanted to disobey? What makes you obey or disobey?

Impossible Conversation on Trust
How can we trust? Was there a moment that you just needed to trust someone or something whatever the outcome?

No English spoken performances planned at this moment