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The earth is exhausted. We humans, living in the prosperous West, need to radically rethink our way of living and acting. To do so, we must adjust the ideas and value systems that underlie this action. How do we do that? How do we install a different, more embodied thinking about ourselves in the world?
N.E.S.H.A.A.’s story is a curse poem, it seeps through the cracks and layers of concrete, earth and water and fills the air. The poem curses and urges you to wander around the created landscape and let the words resonate further. It asks to be repeated. A CURSE POEM is an immersive and performative installation in which movement, language and landscape come together.
DYING TOGETHER is a physical, interactive performance in which performers, together with participating audience, examine and interpret instances of collective dying. A reflection of contemporary events where large groups of people, species and even ecosystems collectively experience death.
Cinema Imaginaire
Cinema Imaginaire is a performance made by spectators. Participating spectators are challenged to make an imaginary film that will only exist in their own mind. Cinema Imaginaire gives you a lasting, new perspective on your own presence in the city – among others.
We Have Never Been Modern
We Have Never Been Modern is installatie, atelier en expositie ineen. Het is een onderzoeksruimte waar bezoekers hun gedachten en gevoelens over onze relatie met de natuur kunnen herdenken, vormgeven en delen. Bezoekers gaan met zichzelf, met elkaar én met het veranderende landschap in gesprek over de relatie mens-natuur.